Tuesday, July 20, 2010


The trouble with keeping an update of what's going on is that I'm getting home so late and have to get up so early that I'm just too tired to write anything. I've got a great post about Misha that I started writing, but I haven't been able to finish it. I wanted to keep updating, but couldn't find the time to finish that post. So, it will have to wait as I attempt to make small entries.

Today was Acting Exercises, Acting Seminar, and Scene Study. All went really well. I saw some wonderful portrayals of objects in Seminar and we started showing our animal observation exercises. I'll do mine on Saturday. I also need to re-read "Uncle Vanya" by then. Scene study went okay. I wasn't well enough memorized and so there was only so much we could do. David and I had to step out and work on our memorization. I sure hope it sticks for tomorrow. I'm really struggling memorizing right now and I'm not sure why. Perhaps I've been away from it for too long (it's only been a few months). Perhaps it's the fact that my character doesn't follow much of a logical progression of thought as he talks. I'll get it though. I'm not worried. I'm just disappointed that we couldn't do more work in class because we weren't as prepared as we should have been. I'm ready for tomorrow though.

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